The Bitcoin Hunters

The year is 2060.

The 99.98% of Bitcoin has already been produced. The current Block Reword is 0,00610351 BTC. A third of the world's energy production competes to mine 0,00610351 BTC. And the competition is growing.

We are the Bitcoin Hunters.

We are searching the web for the More-Than-Ones (MTO), i.e. people who hold more than one Bitcoin.

Addresses and balances are public. But owner's data is not.

We are trying to identify the owners. It's half of our job.

The other half is theft, once the owner is identified. 

We determine how well is he protected. Each and every Ten-Or-More (TOM) holder is extremely well protected, with at least 10 armed people on duty, plus the best Automated Defense Systems (ADS).

But with More-Than-Ones and less-than-ten is different, some of them are not well protected. For example, they live in some countryside, by a false name, and have zero guards. So we get in, if we can neutralize ADS. And we are fast. To prevent the activation of the time lock.

We Ask the owner politely for The 12 Words. It takes time. We ask again and again. We believe that every more-than-one holder remembers The Phrase. So it can get ugly. 

At the same time, we search the house, starting from the obvious places like vaults, computers, phones, notes written in the books, moving to less obvious, like the boxes hidden behind the walls or benefit the floor. 

It takes hours, sometimes days.

In 1 out of 10 cases we get the 12 Words.

It's more than enough to lead a luxurious life for all of us,  our families, our grandchildren, and the grandchildren of our grandchildren.

But we have never enough. 

There is one problem though.  The more we have the more protection we need.